Beautiful business stories and practices

What’s Missing From Your Website Design?

Written by Randal Hrytzak | Jan 30, 2018 10:50:25 PM

What attracts us to a website? It’s not just about good design, pretty colours or SEO. It’s about great storytelling.

Storytelling is an important part of what it means to be human. By sharing stories, we connect with our community. We find meaning through stories, we relate to them, and we gain inspiration. By adding human elements into your website design, you have an opportunity to emotionally engage clients in your story. You’ll also become a part of theirs.


 Designed and produced for Aspect Biosystems by Bemoved Media


Marketing has changed and it continues to change. It’s not about promotion as much as it is about connection, belonging and supporting.

When a client steps into your office, the atmosphere, friendly reception, and your interactions leave them with a sense of who you are as a business. A website gives you the same opportunity. Why put all your efforts into one and not the other?

Everything you do with design and content should be informed by a story. Your unique story connects your clients to the emotional part of what your website is about. Story gives your brand legs. And heart.