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How can lawyers add personality to their websites?

No quod sanctus instructior ius, et intellegam interesset duo. Vix cu nibh gubergren dissentias. His velit veniam habemus ne. No doctus neglegentur vituperatoribus est, qui ad ipsum oratio. Ei duo dicant facilisi, qui at harum democritum consetetur.

Bringing law to life may seem like a challenge, but with some help, you can find a unique way to show off your personality, your story and why your company matters to your clients.

Marketing has come a long way and people are looking for more authenticity. Gone are the days of meaningless design and empty offers. People are looking for something they can relate to and trust. Something that inspires and involves them.

So how can your legal website be inspiring?

Your website is just as important as how you present yourself in person, how you present your team, and how your present your firm to clients. As a first impression, they both are opportunities for you to differentiate yourself and your business. A website should be a direct reflection of who you are and what your purpose is. 

How compelling is your website? Check out our WebsiteEQ audit.


Show your story

A few questions to ask yourself: What’s our purpose? What’s our story? What makes us stand out? Why do we matter to our clients?

Think about your answers and how they relate to your website. These answers are an important part of your story and should be the fundamental building blocks to your website design.

Create a memorable experience by showing and leading visitors through a strong brand story.


Image of Connect Family Law by Bemoved MediaImage captured for Connect Family Law by Bemoved Media


Engage your clients

Visuals are a perfect way to share your message. Photos and videos that reflect the people or culture of the office give your clients a more personal view of how your business works and how your team is active and engaged. Show them that you can bring their story to life.

For more advice, check out, “Let's Talk... Brand Authenticity”, where sixteen industry experts identify the most authentic means by which businesses can market themselves and engage visitors.


Reflect your personality

All design and content should be influenced by a core belief. Find the right keywords that describe you and your firm the best and see if your design choices reflects them.


Website designed for Paperclip Law by Bemoved MediaWebsite created for Paperclip Law by Bemoved Media


When we worked with Paperclip Law, they had a desire to show the message that their firm makes law more accessible, friendly and bold. The use of personalized team photos, punchy text, and bold colours reflect this ideal. Now when clients engage with their website, they get a more well rounded and informed vision of what this firm is all about.

Looking for more ways to personalize your website? Get in touch and we’d be happy to start a conversation with you.


 Free Website Evaluation